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Graduation Galore

Graduation Galore

Seventy-one (71) senior public servants have successfully graduated from a six-week rigorous Strategic leadership training held at the Kenya School of Government Baringo Campus, marking the largest class of the Strategic Leadership Development Program (SLDP) successfully graduating from the Campus since the launch of the program in 2016.
On Friday, September 1, 2023, the NYS Deputy Director General, Jamleck Chabari, accompanied by the Director of Human Resource and Development at NYS, Ms. Mary Ngugi, presided over the graduation ceremony of the cohort comprised officers from the Ministry of Foreign & Diaspora Affairs and National Youth Service. The Deputy Director, Mr. John Napoo, received the guests at the Campus during the graduation ceremony.
Mr. Chabari said, “The Director General will be glad to note the Service is getting back a cohort of charismatic leaders with an improved understanding of strategic leadership, dependable and reliable with the responsibilities of the Services.”
SLDP enrolls graduates of the Senior Management Course (SMC) in Job group N and above or equivalent in policy-making and leadership roles.
At the sideline of the closing ceremony, the guests planted commemorative trees as an embodiment and continuation of the collaboration between the institutions represented in the course.

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